Must-know areas to stay tech-savvy in 2023

13.09.23 02:58 PM By Keplercode Team

Must-know areas to stay tech-savvy in 2023

Key Takeaways

  • The rapid development of the modern world constantly embodies the latest amazing ideas, so staying tech-savvy is no longer just an option but a necessity.

  • The Internet of Things is a system of physical objects ("things") connected through embedded sensors, software, and other technologies meant to transmit data to other devices via the Internet.

  • Artificial intelligence, which is aimed at modeling human behavior patterns, uses such methods as machine learning and deep learning to analyze huge amounts of data and therefore discover valuable insights and patterns. 

  • Robotics helps us create various kinds of machines that may in different ways assist and empower humans, carry out tasks in dangerous or inaccessible environments, and offer solutions to complex problems.

  • Potential use of blockchain, which can be defined as a type of distributed database where data is stored in blocks in an encrypted form, goes far beyond digital currencies.

  • Due to the high-precision digital reproduction of the real world, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are widely used in many industries. 

  • Cybersecurity is aimed at protecting computer systems, devices, etc., and the data stored on them or in the network by taking measures needed to secure information and ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The rapid development of the modern world constantly embodies the latest amazing ideas pushing the old ones into the background. The technology sector is perhaps the most striking example of this process. Therefore, in today's digital landscape, staying tech-savvy is no longer just an option but a necessity.

So, let's find out what key areas you need to look at in order not to fall behind in a world that is increasingly susceptible to technology.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is a system of physical objects ("things") connected through embedded sensors, software, and other technologies. The purpose of this connection is to transmit data to other devices within the same system or even to other systems via the Internet. Simply put, physical objects go online to exchange information. This technology can be tracked from the concepts of wireless devices and smart homes to industrial automation and smart city projects.

By optimizing processes, quick data handling, and making decisions based on it, the IoT increases efficiency in different spheres. After all, no one can deny that using wireless headphones, electronic keys, or contactless payments has made our daily lives much easier and more comfortable. Thus, convenience and cost-effectiveness that a variety of IoT applications provides us with make the Internet of Things an important technology of the 21st century that will continue to gain momentum.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, which is aimed at modeling human behavior patterns, is currently at the peak of its popularity and is being used in a number of fields such as healthcare, education, construction, etc. AI methods, namely machine learning and deep learning, are great at analyzing huge amounts of data to discover valuable insights and patterns. Therefore, knowledge of AI will allow humans to utilize and practice data-driven decision-making.

AI is definitely not going to stop there and will go on to fulfill its revolutionary potential, so it will be useful and interesting for you to follow the latest developments in this powerful area to keep up with the technology.

By the way, if you are wondering how artificial intelligence differs from human intelligence and whether the former can surpass the latter, we will let you find it out.


Robotics is a multidisciplinary discipline combining the aspects of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, etc. Its ultimate goal is the provision of various kinds of machines that are autonomously or semi-autonomously capable of performing certain functions, either by following pre-programmed instructions or by learning in their environment. Such robots are designed to assist and empower humans, improve effectiveness, carry out tasks in dangerous or inaccessible environments, and offer solutions to complex problems such as space exploration or military affairs.

In addition, robotics is closely intertwined with artificial intelligence. AI provides robots with advanced capabilities, such as data-driven learning, autonomous decision-making, and object or environment recognition. Hence, these guys are certainly doomed to influence our future.


The concept of a blockchain can be defined as a type of distributed database in which data is stored in sort of blocks in an encrypted form. Each block in the blockchain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous one, which makes it hugely difficult to change or tamper with the data. This provides the blockchain with reliable protection against unauthorized modifications.

Originally it was developed as the underlying technology for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. However, its potential application goes far beyond digital currencies. Blockchain can be used for medical records, voting systems, identity verification, digital property, financial transactions, etc. In addition, it finds its use in smart contracts - programmable scripts that automatically perform predefined actions if certain conditions are met.

Presently, numerous industries are gradually embracing blockchain technology because of its secure and decentralized nature.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are immersive technologies that change how we perceive and interact with the world around us. Their main difference is the following: VR fully simulates a real or fictional environment using a VR headset while AR only overlays certain digital information on the real physical world, i. e. augments it. These environments simulate such senses as touch, hearing, smell, and sight.

Thanks to the high-precision digital reproduction of objects and phenomena of the real world, virtual and augmented reality technologies are extremely useful both for specialists in various areas and everyday routine activities. For example, a novice surgeon can hone their skills in performing complex operations, and you can pick up a nice outfit for another day at work without trying on half your wardrobe.


In general, cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, devices, etc., and the data stored on them or in the network. It includes some measures and strategies aimed at securing digital information and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

In recent years, more and more private businesses as well as government agencies have started to digitize their operations. However, quite a few of them have faced and continue to cope with cyberattacks. Cybersecurity threats are never-ending, and therefore this field deserves to be studied in depth not only to stay tech-savvy but also to protect your important and sensitive personal information.

Here you can find the main present-day cybersecurity trends.
Admittedly, this list is not exhaustive as technological progress is occurring virtually exponentially. Nonetheless, knowledge in these domains of the technological world will definitely not let you get lost in it.

Keplercode Team